Program Goals and Benefits
Through participation in this program, students gain practical life skills and improve their leadership and communication skills, resulting in a young person ready to embrace the future.
Parents often report a positive change in their children after participation in our program. In addition to the excitement and enthusiasm students express through stories of their adventures, students also bring home a clearer sense of themselves and their life goals. They demonstrate an increased ability to communicate clearly and work as a team. Often, students are also eager to engage in problem solving and activities that benefit others.
It is our goal to support students through the transition from high school into adulthood by providing them opportunities to build skills and explore their personal potential. We do this by offering engaging experiences, but we also rely on interaction and commitment of the students' families to bring the lessons to life. Together with parents and guardians, brothers and sisters, we create a supportive, inspiring culture that encourages and promotes students’ ability to set goals that enhance and enrich their future.