Listos is a grass-roots disaster preparedness program that can be tailored to fit the individual needs of Spanish-speaking communities. Developed in 2010 by a collaboration between The Orfalea Foundation and the Aware & Prepare Initiative in Santa Barbara County, California, Listos was a response to the inadequacy of existing Spanish-language preparedness information. The Listos curriculum features low-cost to no-cost preparedness initiatives and provides tips that serve participants not only during disasters, but also throughout the course of their everyday lives. Listos partners with community leaders, jurisdictions, non-profits, faith-based organizations, schools, and other community institutions to eliminate the language barrier that so often impedes the relationships between First Responders and the Latino populations they serve. In doing so, Listos facilitates the building of communities and the sharing of resources that strengthens community ties through disaster preparedness awareness. While Listos began as a Santa Barbara County initiative, Listos’ success has garnered national support to incite a statewide expansion. For more information on the possibility of engaging Listos in your town, contact us at .