About Us
The School Food Initiative envisions the children of Santa Barbara County making healthy food choices throughout their lives.
Our Objective
The mission of the School Food Initiative is to empower school districts in Santa Barbara County to implement and sustain nourishing cook-from-scratch food programs.
Our Vision
The children of Santa Barbara County make healthy food choices
throughout their lives. -
School Food Service Departments have trained staff, infrastructure
and equipment to efficiently cook from scratch. - School Food Service Departments are fiscally healthy.
School Food Service Departments support the local food system
by providing a consistent demand for local produce. -
School Districts value food literacy as a skill that helps students maintain
good health. School gardens are a valued and expected part of the learning experience. -
Food Service Departments evolve into Food Systems Departments that account
for the health and environmental impacts of all phases of operation, from
procurement to waste management. - Public policies promote school meals as wholesome nourishment and cultural enrichment.
The School Food Initiative creates a replicable model of school food reform
to share with other communities.